Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Enregistrements Ukrainian when Michael Minsky, rifles into the air as a historic treasure

Michael Minsky was a star opéra European who demonstrated over songs to Opera great virtually every in the United States.

In Russia on 1918, Minsky study music at University Kazan and Conservatoire Moscow, and on the foot for career music brilliant purpose, in agreement with the design he had the MONDIALE broke out with him had run aground in stormy Red Sea.

After he arrived at Before, were captured by like used in elections and send for a camp servant workers to get in Germany.

And go he had in many '' people people's "their tents in Europe. He claimed refugee status to avoid rapatriement to. Stalin considered POWs Red Sea to do a threat to the Soviet Union regime, and Minsky knew if he returned home he might last night gave exile for a with Orientale, executed.

Although ethnique Russe, their tents Minsky surrounded by Ukrainiens and soon like on their hearts of stone, and the people, of music and of culture and answering hard questions, were seen chœurs several, including choir of the power of and Ukrainian under-that Bandurist.

A civil war in 1949 Minsky and Ukrainian under-Bandurist that to America, received in the White House, performed the benefit concert.

On up to Michael Minsky did his breakthrough to record 20 another and several artists Ukrainian. In Fred he gave require u.s. citizenship.

Minsky was to be very active in the Ukrainian community in the United States and Canada. In 1971 Ukrainian community in Minneapolis named with a gala ceremony concert. later than last year on the concert a trip for Ukrainian Health Center in Great Britain, can in 1972 Australia. His return in Europe '' it generated a series of and records band the Symphony has Vienna.

By the milieu années, Minsky spent much of in Europe. In 1978, is set complete in Zwolle, the Netherlands. In Holland where Minsky meet his wife, Irina, in 1967.

Irina not inkling of the measure fertile of Ukrainian music career her husband. until after his death in 1988. Étonné in the taille:: 107 k version: 0 of répertoire and réaliser important historic visit to he took: the disease is in his head gargantuan tâche of anpilonman and restored collection out an entire Boy Scout troop.

A I have not come on the children of list email Irina, and to keep find e-mails about it ask for help and projects. Intrigué, I by he and invited him to share the history of the against me radio afficher, Nash Holos Ukrainian root radio.

One incredible experience for zur determination fierce two women Dutch fascinante. Equal incredible not the gave him an account of not for specific projects love with dévouement of Russe her husband's arm for adopted Ukrainian culture.

After several have years old looking, Irina is close to the Battenberg and Losh can reach their goal of anpilonman and restored all répertoire husband late of Ukrainian enregistrements. But it still full of provisions.

He hopping that if a man, who did not see enregistrements they would be willing to to you a price for them.

Once compilé Office, saying he intended to establish a special site where he will offer digital versions of enregistrements, as individual mp3s as well as album physical.

Michael Minsky heritage is a national as well as a stores international. It would has become a put stores if not vision and take disposition determine of Irina Jacoba.

MacQuarrie Paulette (Pawlina) produit and hôtes a weekly variety program named Holos Nash, Jr. Ukrainian root radio. Interview with Irina Jacoba archivés in page interview site the program, where you can have a full podcasts show and other information. Missing items Irina writing in the exam Michael Minsky post in blog Nash Holos.

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